
Papiamento (also called Papiamentu) is spoken in the three Leeward Islands of the Netherlands Antilles (Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao) where it is co-official with Dutch. Papiamento is a creole language that is mainly based on Spanish, but it has also been influenced by Portuguese, Dutch, English, French and other languages. The following table shows a few examples of Papiamento's heterogenous vocabulary:

Papiamento wordOrigin
imahinashonfrom Spanish imaginación (imagination)
yegadafrom Spanish llegada (arrival)
shenfrom Spanish cien (hundred)
wòchmènfrom English watchman
erkondeshenfrom English air condition
wusteinfrom Dutch woestijn (desert)
hürfrom Dutch huur (rent)
zjilètfrom French gilet (waistcoat)
wowoeye, perhaps related to Yoruba (to look)